Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's Time for Your Volunteer Annual Inservices/Education!

Only for volunteers who started before January 1, 2008.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
8AM - 12PM
(may get done early, especially Level 1: Administrative/Special Project volunteers)
Please make it a priority to attend because this will be the only day to complete Annual Inservices. This date is not a game-day and Heartland staff have agreed to come in on the weekend to present information.

It has been a requirement that all volunteers must complete a number of Inservices/Education annually in order to continue volunteering. This is crucial to patient and work safety, compliance, and to continue providing the best quality of care! Material will be presented to help you stay compliant with state health regulations, corporate compliance, and patient and work safety, policies, and procedures. This is similar to the material that you were given during your volunteer training, but some of you have indicated that your training was quite different than what has been outlined by the company due to various Volunteer Coordinators in the past. Therefore, we will also go over the important basics such as proper documentation, visit frequencies, various Volunteer levels, etc.

Please feel free to contact me if there are any extenuating circumstances that will prevent you from attending or questions.

Friday, August 15, 2008

August Volunteer Meeting

This month's Volunteer Meeting will be somewhat of a social event. However, we will also be discussing some important issues and strategies concerning our volunteer program and Heartland!

Venue: Maggie Moo's
Address: 1200 12th Ave SE, Norman, OK (off 12th & Lindsey)
Time: 5:30PM - 6:30PM (stop by even if you'll be late)
First 5 volunteers to get there will have their ice-cream paid for!
Come spend a short evening to enjoy ice-cream and socializing.

Please read your Newsletter that you should receive this week for some very important announcements concerning the date for mandatory Annual Inservices/Continuing Education, Spa Room, Bowling League, and more!