Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cast Your Vote...We Want to Know!

Every year, Heartland Hospice advertises our services and organization through various avenues. One in particular is through a billboard on Robinson Street. We are wanting your feedback on the effectiveness of this particular billboard, located on Robinson Street (close to US77). We would also like to know what days are the least busiest for our volunteers. This will help us with scheduling events and meetings. Will you please take a few seconds to cast your vote through our poll on the right side? If you have other comments about this, please feel free to contact us.

Reminder: Turn in your volunteer notes and clerical logs!

We also still need a few more hands and bodies to help with baking and bagging cookies for "Dr's Day!" Let's show them how much their appreciated. Look at the Upcoming Events/Opportunities section for more info.

Look out for your April Newsletter in the mail!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hello Goodbye

My name is Christine Yeo. I am so blessed and excited to be the new Volunteer Coordinator! I have been training with Sara Proctor for the last two weeks. I am eager to work with all of Heartland Hospice's Norman volunteers, as I have been familiarizing myself with the volunteer files.

You will notice some upcoming developments in the next few months in terms of communication, activities, and leadership/involvement opportunities for you, our volunteers.

Please feel free to stop by the Norman office or contact me. I look forward to getting to know each of you!